#WeCountWashington on a mission to count everyone in Washington state.
The United States Constitution requires that everyone in the country is counted every ten years to ensure equal representation of all communities. 2020 will be the first year that the census will be online and we need you to participate!
We are a part of a national effort to build power in local communities across the country. Along with 55+ membership organizations, the Washington Census Alliance launched the #WeCountWashington campaign to ensure that ALL people are counted in the 2020 Census so that resources are equitably allocated to communities that are often underserved, especially those that have been previously undercounted.
The count will determine what resources your community receives for the next 10 years, including $800 billion in federal funding for programs, hospitals, new schools, community centers and roads and representation in Congress. Census participation is one of the most important ways to ensure that our communities are represented by people who understand exactly what their constituents need to thrive.
Spread the word about the census by joining the #WeCountWashington campaign. Access free resources here.
Here are three ways you can complete the census:
Online: Complete your census directly online (for the first time, the Census form will be available in 13 languages)
By Phone: The Census can be completed by phone in 13 languages.
By Mail: Request a paper Census form in English or Spanish that can be mailed back to the U.S. Census Bureau.